Post all site feedback and requests here!

I want to make this site useful. Curious to hear what everyone thinks about it and how it could be improved.

phrozen | 9 months ago

As a designer, I have some feedback if you don't mind! I'm not a big fan of the color scheme, not sure how well the colors in this palette go together (dark mode). You could just mimic Reddit's dark mode or the Spotify UI palette (can't go wrong there). Also, a logotype would be nice, just something clean and clever with some hint of color. Lastly, the name/domain name does not vibe with me that well.. its a bit hard to remember actually - maybe it's the tld that giving me a hard time :D Otherwise, I really like the site and hope to be a regular!

jeremybernier🔗 | 9 months ago

Thank you for the feedback! I'm definitely no designer, so this is very valuable to me.

Guessing you're not a fan of the header color? Good to know, I will experiment with others. I agree that Spotify and Reddit have clean designs. I'll look to "borrow" from them, maybe just implementing them as alternative themes. And yea need a proper logo.

Btw the background color is actually customizable (gear icon on top right -> Settings). I do plan to make the header and all of the other colors customizable as well, maybe I'll prioritize that.

I agree the name is not the best. Just haven't thought of anything better yet with a domain that's available. Open to ideas!

EDIT: Just remembered I have a bunch of different domains for zsync including Could switch to that, though I'm sure there's a better name that would be more conducive to this site's success