Modernized the UI for today - card view + 3 column layout (basically copied Discuit + Reddit). I prefer compact layout myself, but thinking maybe the HN UI is too dated for most people.

Some other updates

  • Added some communities to the left sidebar (will make that dynamic and customizable, enabling you to subscribe/unsubscribe)
  • Slightly tweaked the "hot" ranking algorithm (HN ranking algorithm) to try to give higher score to newer posts, and set this as the default (instead of "newest"). Not satisfied yet with it but will continue to tweak it until it makes sense.
  • Show # of registered users on right
  • Added some less serious communities

Will finish up some more features, then open source.

Let me know what you think. I'm definitely no designer, but I think it was a pretty productive day.

I enjoy working on this, but it doesn't pay my bills. I'm interviewing at the moment, but definitely reach out if you need a solid senior full stack engineer (my rate is $150/hr)

1 comment
jeremybernier🔗 | 9 months ago

Updated the UI today to add a "classic" view, which looks like Lemmy (I like their UI).

Also added images for posts with URLs (scraping the meta tags). Wow, the site is starting to look legit!