Welcome to my Ted talk. My name is Christopher Crumbles and I am a philosopher originating from my momther. Ok but no really, I'm too busy, I have too much shit going on this week. I have no time to be typing in this text box about nonsense that my brainhole comes up with. Honestly I was tempted to bring up chatgpt and have it give me some words to type into this box, but I figure that human thoughts are worth slightly more than AI's thoughts.Also chat.openai.com is really kind of bad at writing nonsense. Actually, it refuses to generate nonsense, assumedly due to it's training input. I have a friend who went as far as downloading a FOSS LLM in order to avoid using openai's groomed model. I think the logic goes that using a groomed LLM leads to groomed influences which leads to groomed behaviors and ultimately the PSYOP wins.ok i'm bored bye

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